
Jupiter Foam



Jupiter Foam


Juniper Foam

Undergraduate Program led by Juniper Foam

Music and Sound for Visual Media

Catalyst, Berlin

Music and Sound for Visual Media is a modern, interdisciplinary program for audiovisual artists, musicians and sound designers who want to work across a variety of media and industries, such as film, gaming and art.

Classes are taught by filmmakers, game makers, visual artists, curators, sound designers and musicians: ensuring a well-rounded education where you encounter many differing perspectives.

Your focus is not only on sound, but on the broader context. You will gain profound insight into how your future collaborators and clients think, communicate and see the world.

Designed and led by Juniper Foam, the program offers a 3-year undergraduate/bachelor's degree, or a 1-year certificate.

Learn more here:

Student Work

Ossagrosse - I've Seen Ghosts (2024)

Music and Sound in Visual Meda (MSVM) - Year 1

Hsuan x Upa - Floating Over the City (2024)

Music and Sound in Visual Media (MSVM) - Year 1

Pol Meumann - Music Supervision Proposal: l'Effrondrement

Music and Sound in Visual Media (MSVM) - Year 1

Irene Favata - White Orbs (2024)

Music and Sound in Visual Media (MSVM) - Year 1

Matteo Olivieri - Music Supervision Proposal: Soul Knight

Music and Sound in Visual Media (MSVM) - Year 1


Jupiter Foam


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Jupiter Foam

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